Faculty Advisor: Dr. G. Jay Lennartson
Geography Club Officers
President: John Shields
Vice-President: Bill (Will) Kessler
Treasurer: Alexis Doren
Secretary: vacant
Officer at Large: vacant
(Luncheons are always held at noon, in Room 109 of the Frank Porter Graham Building)
Please contact Jay Lennartson, gjlennar@uncg.edu, for disability accommodations.
September 18 | Janie Phelps, Assistant Town Manager, Liberty, NC; Title: “A Day in the Life of An Assistant Town Manager” |
October 16 | Dr. Plaxedes Chitiyo, Academic Professional, Assistant Professor, UNCG Title: “Hwange National Park: the environmental impacts of a growing Giant population.” |
November 6 | Dr. Aaron Allen, Professor, UNCG – GES – title: “The Grand Tour” |