Dr. John Stehlin


Dr. John Stehlin

Assistant Professor

Research Website

Urban Political Economy, Mobility and Infrastructure


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley


Dr. Stehlin is interested in urban political economy, mobility, and infrastructure. His research examines how new mobility infrastructures intersect race, class, and the division of labor in the production of urban space, particularly in the context of gentrification, “creative city” strategies, and sustainable urbanism. His book, Cyclescapes of the Unequal City: Bicycle Infrastructure and Uneven Development, explores the political economy of bicycle infrastructure as an emerging element of urban development strategies in the United States.


Dr. Stehlin received his PhD in Geography and Global Metropolitan Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. He was subsequently Research Associate in the Sustainable Consumption Institute at the University of Manchester, England, where he collaborated on research into the explosion of venture capital-funded digital mobility services as a key element of the broader phenomenon of “platform urbanism.” In future research, he is interested in how the deterioration of urban freeways and pressures to develop cities more sustainably touches on issues of regional development, racial inequality, environmental politics.


Dr. Stehlin teaches Introduction to Human Geography and Economic Geography, and is interested in innovative classroom methods, urban field study, and qualitative methods.