Hannah Evans


Hannah Evans

Hannah Evans

Adjunct Faculty

Research Website


M.A., San Diego State University (Geography, Political Ecology)
B.A., San Diego State University (Environmental Policy, Political Science)


Hannah Evans is the Senior Analyst at the NGO Population Connection. Hannah has worked as an adjunct professor of Women’s Studies and taught classes on gender, science, and feminist theory at SDSU. She has nonprofit experience working as a program developer for sustainable agriculture and public health programs in Honduras and Panama and has worked as a researcher on food security issues throughout southern California. Her graduate research focused on sustainability labeling and ethical consumption.

An engaging and interesting presenter and teacher, Hannah works with college-level students and professors to integrate population studies back into the mainstream, with a particular focus on human rights and social justice. She develops and gives comprehensive, solution-oriented presentations focused on the connections between global population growth, access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Through an examination of some of the root causes of population growth, her work seeks to highlight the interconnections between poverty, marginalization, women’s rights, and environmental pressures made worse by climate change.

Courses Taught

GES 303 World Population Problems